From Albert

Hey Brady, I was just writing about you in the book I am working on. Its about life as a Baby Boomer and my journey through it all; my personal evolutionary journey to awakening to accepting life as it is, sharing what I have to share and finally learning to love it all.
So we both have had our special journeys, its been quite a ride and continues to be. I am at an Ashram in South India, amazing place with over 2000 Devotees living in service to the Divine Being, which I conceive as simply "Nature". Many, more then half of these folks are westerners. For  $20K you have a private flat and food for the rest of your life and your kids can use your flat for the rest of a 60 year lease after you transend. There are many of us grey haired folks here escaping armegadon and living peacefully well on small SS checks that would not give them squat to live on in the good old USA!
For me its a bit too confining for my wandering spirit so after 2.5 months here I am heading to Hawaii again, this time to the big island to join friend s and put together something fantastic...healing, farming, playing kind of place in Gods garden near Pahoa. Come join us if you like.
Meanwhile you can see the latest on my travel blog

Love ya Bro, be well, enjoy the movie of your life, Albert (Daishin)